This repository aims to be a community driven project, and your involvement will ultimately help improve the quality of this guide.
What can I do to contribute?
There are a number of ways to contribute to "How to be a Programmer".
Ideas for new sections
Improvements to existing sections
Identifying typos or other issues in sections
Contributing additional links to resources for sections
General suggestions for improving the project
Provide translations of the guide
Currently this guide has been translated from English into the following languages:
Chinese by ahangchen
Russian by paveltovchigrechko
Spanish by Maximiliano Murua
If you provide the initial translation of the guide into another language, you become elegible to become a contributor on this project to help maintain and review changes made to the translation.
Github holds a list of all contributors to this project.
Editorship and Move to GitHub
Braydie Grove has agreed to serve as editor-in-chief.
Braydie transposed the original essay into MarkDown and created the repository.
Last updated
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